The Oscar Joel Bryant Foundation’s Higher Education and Training Fund provides monetary assistance to members furthering their education or professional development. The program is designed to supplement other forms of aid and will assist members in covering college tuition and training registration fees.
Assistance is offered for:
Coursework at an accredited community college or four (4) year college or university
Non-Department training that is job related and not duplicative of existing LAPD Training. The training must enhance an individual’s ability to promote, improve their work skills, and/or increase their value to the Department.
All OJB members are eligible for the reimbursement program provided the member is in good standing and has been a dues paying member of the organization for at least one (1) year prior to submitting their request. Qualifying members are eligible to receive up to $500 for education and/or training reimbursement per calendar year.
Fill out the form below to begin the reimbursement process.
Education Reimbursement
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